Becoming a client of Trimtax is as easy as filling in the New Client Form or enquiry details with a short message about the type of service you require.
If you are a new client we would love to meet with you to discuss your needs and of course verify your identity. An appointment is essential and one will be made for you, so be sure to bring some proof of ID documents such as Driver’s Licence, Passport etc
For existing clients, simply fill in the relevant checklists and upload to the “Trimtax Document Storage” folder of your dropbox account. Let us know if you do not have one yet and one will be created for you.
Simple Tax Returns
Our basic fee is $231 inc GST.
Provide the following documents
ITR Client Checklist – 2023/24
ITR Client Checklist – 2022/23
New Client Form
Rental returns
If you have one rental property, the fee is generally $341 inc GST and $121 inc GST for each property.
In addition to the above checklists and forms, please provide the following documents.
Simple Business returns
For small business returns not registered for GST, we will price after we view your business documents and records, the starting point is $495 inc GST, however we will give you a firm quote once we review the work that will be required.
Please provide the following:
Checklist for Business
GST Registered businesses, Companies, Trusts and Super Funds
Naturally these are more complicated and require substantial reporting thus larger tax returns. Generally the starting point is $1,650 inc GST but for new clients we will give you a quote before we start work.
Other Services
These are generally performed as needed and at a price agreed upon.
Please contact us to find out more.